
Prevent Mishaps Reach Elevated Heights with Crane Man Baskets

Elevated structures are almost impossible to access. To arrange scaffolding so high up is one of the toughest tasks because of the unexpected stability issues the project might face. But the workers have to reach up those tall high rise buildings for construction works, what is the best way to deal with lifting personnel to raised areas?

A contractor has to lift his team of men to heights for complicated construction projects and many times scaffolding is not the best option because of the high cost and non-safe measures. The best way to access the heights is to use the crane man baskets to transport workers above ground.Let us see the reasons behind this:

  • Safety: The workers need to work in a safe and secure environment and the contractors have to make sure that their personnel are transported high above the earth in a practical but safe manner. It is sometimes impossible to assess heights or lift weights to high areas. The crane man baskets can easily serve the purpose of scaffolding or lifts.

  • Easy installation: Every project has different needs and setting up effective and safe scaffolding may take hours. Wasting time at the construction site means loss of money and at this time setting up the crane man baskets is quick and easy.

  • Dismantling equipment: Equipment that takes time to set up needs loads of time to be dismantled as well. So save time and set up the cane man baskets to carry workers to heights.
  • Heavy weight transportation: Cane man baskets have an amazing capability and capacity to carry weights to elevated areas fast. In this way a large number of working personnel can be lifted to the top of a high building in lesser time. You don’t need the mess and maintenance of large number of lifts and cranes at the construction site, it’s better to get a crane man basket fixed instead.

  • Versatile: The basket can be adjusted easily to the working height required as compared to the crane work platforms which may result in inaccessibility of high places and elevated walled structures.

There are a few compulsory precautions and safety regulations that have to be adhered to by the crew and the contractors who have sanctioned the use of the crane man baskets. This is essential for safe construction operations.

Improving Efficiency with Crane Rentals

  1. Regular safety inspections of the baskets are a must and they need to be acceptable according to the engineering standards considered essential at construction sites.

  2. The baskets are designed with a capability of a certain load capacity. Just about 50% of the load capacity should be permitted by the contractor. Don’t forget the cane man basket also has its own weight to carry up those heights.

  3. An anti-two blocking system is of great help and the cane man basket is ideal because there is no chance of its lower and upper pulleys touching each other.

  4. Minimize the chance of any accident by playing extra safe. In case of any unfortunate mis-happenings or incident, you need to protect your workers. The best way is to provide them with a full body harness and a self-retracting lanyard.

Regular inspections by qualified operators can be very helpful and for this trial lifts and daily perusal of the cane man baskets is imperative to prevent and dangerous happening!